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A non-establishment show, asking questions the masses find difficult.

Host Abe Abdelhadi is from L.A. and moved to Austin in March of 2015. He’s been a musician, a comedian and put out a novel in 2015, All Together Now. What do all these endeavors have in common? A desire to tell the truth.

Apr 29, 2019

Green Party co-founder and co-author of the ORIGINAL Green New Deal, Howie Hawkins ( joins us! We discuss the importance of other voices in an ever-increasing monochrome and bought media culture. We get into labor, healthcare, the 1st Amendment, Julian Assange and how the completion...

Apr 22, 2019

Homeless advocate and activist, Raúl Fernández-Berriozábal discusses the current state of the Israel/Palestine conflict. We get into how it started and how we’re here.
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Apr 15, 2019

Robin Koerner ( discusses how our political views are more cultural than anything to do with fact. Robin is the author of the book, “If You Can Keep It: Why We Nearly Lost It & How We Get It Back.” In addition to being an advocacy trainer, Robin has penned such...

Apr 11, 2019

Just asking the question of what is celebrity and why we "celebrate" it. Is there a price for blind loyalty...

Apr 8, 2019

California Libertarian and host of Liberty Revealed and the Nightly Rant, Mike Mahony discusses his campaign, his insight to the Mueller report and why you don’t have to be a Trump supporter to know what right and wrong are. He also adds insight to the time wasted, chasing a fantasy, when we could have exposed...