Feb 25, 2021
Feb 11, 2021
Friend of the show and author,
Professor Bruce Lerro joins to discuss his latest article on the
disingenuous comparisons of late stage capitalism and systems in
the world that are working. He gets into Adam Smith and his five
principles of capitalism and asks how the result has held up
juxtaposed with the rest of the...
Feb 8, 2021
Founder and CEO of Anthropos Games,
Calvin Johns, PhD (http://anthroposgames.com/) joins
us to discuss how role playing and even video games are coming to
grips with mindsets they’re inadvertently (or advertently)
creating. He gets into age old tribal tendencies that are baked in
and the realizations that many game...
Feb 4, 2021
Friend of the show and seasoned
political observer, John Schoonover, PhD., (https://www.laprogressive.com/time-for-a-second-party/)
joins us to talk about the very real possibility of new parties and
ideas. Trump’s out. Now what? Nap time? Clearly, over the duopoly,
many people are tired of holding their noses to vote...
Feb 1, 2021
Former CIA agent (counter terror
chief in Pakistan), torture whistle blower, and friend of the show,
John Kiriakou (https://sputniknews.com/authors/john_kiriakou/)
discusses Avril Haines, and the rest of the Biden war hawk cabinet
appointments. We also get into U.S. foreign policy moving forward,
which seems to be the...