Dec 30, 2019
Dec 23, 2019
Dec 2, 2019
Steve Kling joins us for a lively
discussion on why the impeachment matters, even if I think it’s
just Schiff Show II. We get into other matters of state, including
Bolivia and our coup happy past. Steve is a Texas business owner
and Iraq War vet who ran in 2018 for State Senate of District 25 in
Texas. We believe...
Nov 25, 2019
Nov 5, 2019
Friend of the show, Adrian
Boutureira Sansberro, joins us to discuss the particulars of the
conflicts in Chile, Syria, Ecuador and Spain. We get into some
heady topics as Adrian’s experience is vast and his instincts are
spot on. Adrian Boutureira Sansberro has an extensive history of
activism in Central and South...