Jan 28, 2019
Jan 21, 2019
On this Martin Luther King, Jr.
holiday, I thought it’d be alright to tackle some of the myths and
manufactured legends we’ve designed around the icon. I think
sometimes we must be reminded of the radical nature of his mission
and how we have to get back to his message of social and economic
justice. He understood...
Jan 14, 2019
Raúl Fernández-Berriozábal visits
with us and discusses the myths and lies about the homeless in the
U.S. He gets into some things that challenge what we think we know
and/or refuse to acknowledge. He tears the curtain open on the
so-called Liberal Class and the illusion that San Francisco is the
beacon in the middle...
Jan 7, 2019
Author, activist, and friend of the
show, Miko Peled (The Generals Son, Injustice)
joins us as we discuss the Holy Land Foundation Five's 10th
anniversary of their wrongful conviction(s). He also sheds some
much-needed light on what is actually happening with the
“Palestinian Question” and the U.S. role in that...
Jan 2, 2019