Oct 28, 2019
Dr. John Haas, of the Global
Consortium, discusses his latest interviews with Pink Floyd founder
Roger Waters and Iraq vet, Hector Barajas-Varela. Dr. Haas talks
about the situation at the border and how so many vets are being
deported to Mexico, without any VA help whatsoever. Next, we talk
about his interview over the...
Oct 22, 2019
Mauro Garza, a 20th District GOP
congressional candidate in Texas and San Antonio businessman
discusses his primary race, his platform and incumbent Joaquin
Castro. We get into a spirited discussion on socialism, the GOP and
Log Cabin Republicans.
Mr. Garza and I had a great chat that involved socialism for the rich and...
Oct 8, 2019
Award winning journalist, author
and comedian, Bruce Sanborn discusses his forthcoming book, “WIN!
The Ultimate Success Guide for Losers, Freaks and Miscreants.”
Here, Bruce gets into the shady side of the self-help business by
lampooning its more egregious practitioners as well as explaining
the origins of the...