Dec 26, 2018
Dec 17, 2018
This is a short episode. We talk a little
about how I came up, where we have been, and where we’re going in
the world. Are we going to turn things around, or is our addiction
to this circus, or as Chris Hedges writes, the “pornification” of
Dec 10, 2018
Bill See, of Divine Weeks (writers
of the show’s theme song), visits with us to continue our
conversation on the state of the union and the new album, We’re All
We Have. We talk about the band, the condition of the U.S., and how
we could possibly be better to one another.
Nov 19, 2018
Dr. Adam Brown joins us to discuss
the work he has done with juvenile and adult sex offenders and the
varying degrees of what society will tolerate and what can actually
be treated. Dr. Brown is in private practice and also is an
Assistant Professor at Hunter College (CUNY).